Dengan membeli Abytech Sdn Bhd (juga dikenal sebagai ABYTECH) produk dan layanan, Anda menyetujui syarat dan ketentuan/ketentuan penggunaan/pemberitahuan privasi/kebijakan pengembalian dana berikut:
- Anda dapat menggunakan server kami untuk menginstal dan menghosting Aplikasi berbasis Windows Anda.
- Anda harus memiliki lisensi Anda sendiri untuk aplikasi yang Anda host di server kami.
- Anda tidak boleh menggunakan server dengan cara apa pun yang merupakan pelanggaran hukum yang berlaku.
- Dilarang menggunakan server kami untuk mengirim email massal/spam.
- Dilarang menggunakan server kami untuk menjelajah internet.
- Anda memerlukan koneksi internet Broadband/ADSL minimal 2 Mbps untuk mendapatkan kecepatan tinggi.
- 99,9% Uptime di jaringan dan Jaminan Keamanan canggih.
Syarat & Ketentuan untuk AcctCloud Hosting (Hosting Perangkat Lunak MYOB/ABSS) - Perangkat Lunak Desktop Windows dihosting sebagai layanan di Server Cloud Windows 2008 R2.
- Anda harus menyediakan pengaturan perangkat lunak hosting anda untuk diinstal di server cloud bersama kami.
- Anda harus memiliki lisensi sendiri untuk perangkat lunak hosting anda.
- Anda memerlukan koneksi internet broadband/ADSL minimal 2 Mbps untuk mendapatkan kecepatan tinggi.
- Anda memerlukan koneksi internet broadband/ADSL minimal 2 Mbps untuk mendapatkan kecepatan tinggi.
Syarat & Ketentuan untuk AcctCloud SaaS - Anda akan menerima perangkat lunak myoaccounting non-eksklusif sebagai layanan (SaaS) di cloud.
- Anda dapat mengakses perangkat lunak melalui internet dari server cloud kami dan menggunakannya untuk akuntansi bisnis anda selama anda berlangganan
our service yearly. - Setiap pengguna tambahan dan file perusahaan dikenakan biaya.
- Anda memerlukan koneksi internet Broadband/ADSL minimal 2 Mbps untuk mendapatkan kecepatan tinggi dan penyimpanan 4GB yang disediakan di FUP.
- Anda memerlukan koneksi internet broadband/ADSL minimal 2 Mbps untuk mendapatkan kecepatan tinggi.
- Biaya kunjungan lapangan berlaku untuk setiap kunjungan lokasi pelanggan.
- Pelatihan 08 Jam akan diberikan berdasarkan permintaan (dikenakan biaya kunjungan ke lokasi).
- Layanan cloud ini hanya tersedia untuk bisnis yang terdaftar di Sri Lanka.
- Anda dapat menggunakan server kami untuk menginstal dan menghosting Aplikasi berbasis Windows Anda.
- Anda harus memiliki lisensi Anda sendiri untuk aplikasi yang Anda host di server kami.
- Anda tidak boleh menggunakan server dengan cara apa pun yang merupakan pelanggaran hukum yang berlaku.
- Dilarang menggunakan server kami untuk mengirim email massal/spam.
- Dilarang menggunakan server kami untuk menjelajah internet.
- Anda memerlukan koneksi internet Broadband/ADSL minimal 2 Mbps untuk mendapatkan kecepatan tinggi.
- 99,9% Uptime di jaringan dan Jaminan Keamanan canggih.
- Anda akan menerima perangkat lunak myoaccounting non-eksklusif sebagai layanan (SaaS) di cloud.
- Anda dapat mengakses perangkat lunak melalui internet dari server cloud kami dan menggunakannya untuk akuntansi bisnis anda selama anda berlangganan
our service yearly. - Setiap pengguna tambahan dan file perusahaan dikenakan biaya.
- Anda memerlukan koneksi internet Broadband/ADSL minimal 2 Mbps untuk mendapatkan kecepatan tinggi dan penyimpanan 4GB yang disediakan di FUP.
- Anda memerlukan koneksi internet broadband/ADSL minimal 2 Mbps untuk mendapatkan kecepatan tinggi.
- Biaya kunjungan lapangan berlaku untuk setiap kunjungan lokasi pelanggan.
- Pelatihan 08 Jam akan diberikan berdasarkan permintaan (dikenakan biaya kunjungan ke lokasi).
- Layanan cloud ini hanya tersedia untuk bisnis yang terdaftar di Sri Lanka.
- Lisensi TSspeedbooster dijual “per server”.
- Anda tidak boleh menggunakan perangkat lunak dengan cara apa pun yang merupakan pelanggaran terhadap hukum yang berlaku.
- The program is provided “as is”.
- Harga lisensi abadi tidak termasuk Pengaturan, Dukungan, dan Pembaruan.
- Anda harus berlangganan layanan dukungan kami sebelum menggunakan Layanan Dukungan Telepon / Tiket / Email.
- ABYTECH MYBOS – Edisi Server dilisensikan dan diberi harga untuk produk lengkap per server/komputer.
- Biaya lisensi wajib tahunan harus dibayar setiap tahun pada tanggal ulang tahun pembelian sistem awal anda.
- Biaya ini memperbarui lisensi anda satu tahun lagi dan memberi anda hak atas semua pembaruan produk tanpa biaya tambahan.
- Pelatihan, dukungan dan penyesuaian formulir termasuk dalam Cover Plan, akan dikenakan biaya terpisah jika diperlukan.
- MYBOS Cloud Server hanya tersedia untuk klien yang membeli perangkat lunak MYBOS.
- Pelatihan, dukungan, atau tambahan tambahan apa pun akan dikenakan biaya terpisah jika berlaku.
- Anda tidak boleh menggunakan produk kami dengan cara apa pun yang merupakan pelanggaran hukum yang berlaku
- Anda akan menerima Perangkat Lunak WebAccountLive sebagai Layanan (SaaS) untuk digunakan secara online.
- Anda akan menerima peningkatan gratis dan pengguna tanpa batas dengan WebAccountLive.
- Anda tidak boleh menggunakan layanan kami dengan cara apa pun yang merupakan pelanggaran hukum yang berlaku.
- Anda memerlukan koneksi internet dan browser web untuk menggunakan WebAccountLive.
- Penyesuaian formulir atau laporan apa pun akan dikenakan biaya terpisah jika berlaku.
- Pelatihan atau dukungan tambahan apa pun akan dikenakan biaya terpisah jika berlaku.
- 99,9% Uptime di jaringan, pencadangan mingguan, dan jaminan keamanan canggih.
- Anda harus memiliki domain dan hosting sendiri atau Anda dapat membeli solusi hosting kami.
- Anda harus memilih dan membeli template premium Anda sendiri dari situs web kami.
- Kami akan menyesuaikan template dengan logo, gambar, dan konten anda saja.
- Kami hanya menyesuaikan hingga 7 halaman tanpa biaya tambahan.
- Biasanya peluncuran situs web akan dilakukan dalam 30-45 hari kerja.
- Akhirnya website anda akan dipasang pada nama domain anda.
- Pengiriman situs web gratis 03 bulan (Yahoo, Dmoz, Google, dan lainnya).
- Dukungan gratis selama 12 bulan akan diberikan (hanya sedikit modifikasi untuk tata letak yang ada).
- Akses anda ke dan penggunaan (“Situs Web”) dan Layanan apa pun yang dirujuk dalam Klausa 2, secara eksklusif tunduk pada Ketentuan Penggunaan (“TOU”) ini. Anda tidak akan menggunakan Situs Web/Layanan untuk tujuan apa pun yang melanggar hukum atau dilarang oleh TOU ini. Dengan menggunakan Situs Web/Layanan, anda sepenuhnya menerima syarat, ketentuan, dan penafian yang terdapat dalam pemberitahuan ini. Jika anda tidak menerima TOU ini, anda harus segera berhenti menggunakan Situs Web/Layanan.
- Kami berhak memperbarui atau mengubah TOU ini kapan saja dan kelanjutan penggunaan anda atas Situs Web/Layanan setelah perubahan apa pun akan dianggap sebagai penerimaan anda terhadap perubahan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, merupakan tanggung jawab anda untuk memeriksa TOU secara teratur untuk mengetahui adanya perubahan; ini dapat dilakukan dengan mengklik hyperlink “Ketentuan Penggunaan” yang terletak di bagian bawah halaman web kami.
Situs Web dapat menyediakan berbagai sumber daya seperti email, forum, unduhan, alat, cloud, dan informasi produk (secara kolektif disebut “Layanan”) yang dirancang untuk membantu anda dan memungkinkan anda berkomunikasi dengan kami dan/atau pengunjung lain ke Situs Web .
Kecuali dinyatakan sebaliknya, Layanan hanya untuk penggunaan pribadi dan non-komersial.
- Jika Layanan tertentu mengharuskan anda untuk membuka akun, anda akan diminta untuk menyelesaikan proses pendaftaran dengan menyediakan
informasi tertentu dan mendaftarkan nama pengguna dan kata sandi untuk digunakan dengan Layanan tersebut. - Anda bertanggung jawab untuk menjaga kerahasiaan nama pengguna dan kata sandi serta seluruh aktivitas yang berlangsung
di bawah akun Anda. Anda setuju untuk segera memberi tahu kami jika ada penggunaan kata sandi atau akun Anda yang tidak sah atau pelanggaran lainnya
keamanan. - Dalam keadaan apa pun, Situs Web tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala kerugian atau kerusakan tidak langsung atau konsekuensial apa pun yang diakibatkan oleh pengungkapan tersebut
nama pengguna dan/atau kata sandi anda. - Anda tidak boleh menggunakan akun orang lain kapan pun, tanpa izin tertulis dari pemegang akun dan ABYTECH.
- Anda mengakui bahwa semua informasi, teks, grafik, logo, foto, gambar, gambar bergerak, suara, ilustrasi, dan materi lainnya (“Konten”), baik yang diposting secara publik atau dikirimkan secara pribadi, adalah tanggung jawab sepenuhnya dari orang yang menerima Konten tersebut. berasal. ; Kami tidak mengendalikan atau mendukung Konten dan tidak dapat menjamin keakuratan, integritas, atau kualitas Konten tersebut dan anda mengakui bahwa dengan menggunakan Layanan, anda mungkin dihadapkan pada Konten yang menyinggung dan/atau tidak senonoh. Situs Web tidak akan bertanggung jawab dengan cara apa pun atas Konten apa pun atau atas kehilangan atau kerusakan apa pun yang diakibatkan oleh penggunaan Konten apa pun yang dikirimkan melalui Layanan dan anda setuju untuk menanggung semua risiko yang terkait dengan penggunaan Konten apa pun, termasuk ketergantungan apa pun pada keakuratan atau kelengkapan Konten tersebut.
- Dalam menggunakan Situs Web/Layanan/Server/Server Cloud/Penyimpanan Cloud anda setuju untuk tidak:
- Menggunakan Layanan/Server/Server Cloud untuk mengirim email sampah, spam, surat berantai, skema piramida atau pesan lain yang tidak diminta, komersial atau lainnya;
- memposting, mempublikasikan, mendistribusikan atau menyebarkan materi atau informasi yang memfitnah, melanggar, cabul, tidak senonoh, mengancam, kasar, melecehkan atau melanggar hukum;
- memasang, mempublikasikan, mendistribusikan atau menyebarkan materi atau informasi yang menghasut diskriminasi, kebencian atau kekerasan terhadap seseorang atau kelompok mana pun karena ras, agama, disabilitas, kebangsaan atau lainnya;
- mengancam, menyalahgunakan, mengganggu, menguntit atau menyebarkan hak hukum (termasuk hak privasi dan publisitas) orang lain;
- menggunakan informasi atau materi apa pun dengan cara apa pun yang melanggar hak cipta, merek dagang, paten, atau hak kepemilikan lainnya dari pihak mana pun;
- menyediakan atau mengunggah file yang mengandung virus, worm, trojan, atau data korup yang dapat merusak pengoperasian komputer atau properti orang lain;
- menyamar sebagai orang atau badan mana pun dengan tujuan menyesatkan orang lain;
- menyamar sebagai orang atau badan mana pun dengan tujuan memutar orang lain;
- menggunakan Situs Web/Layanan/Server dengan cara apa pun yang dapat merusak, menonaktifkan, membebani atau melemahkan Situs Web/Layanan atau mengganggu penggunaan dan kenikmatan pihak lain atas Situs Web/Layanan/Server;
- memposting, menerbitkan, mendistribusikan, atau menyebarkan materi atau informasi yang Anda tidak mempunyai hak untuk mengirimkannya berdasarkan hukum apa pun atau berdasarkan hubungan kontrak atau fidusia (seperti informasi orang dalam atau informasi rahasia yang diungkapkan selama masa kerja atau berdasarkan perjanjian kerahasiaan);
- berupaya mendapatkan akses tidak sah ke Layanan apa pun, akun lain, sistem komputer, atau jaringan yang terhubung ke Situs Web/Layanan melalui peretasan, penambangan kata sandi, atau cara lainnya.
- layanan penyalahgunaan lainnya yang menyebabkan gangguan pada operasi kami (termasuk serangan masuk dan keluar/dll.)
- Kami tidak mempunyai kewajiban untuk memantau Layanan namun berhak meninjau materi yang diposting ke fasilitas komunikasi dan, berdasarkan kebijakan kami sendiri, menghapus materi apa pun yang melanggar TOU ini atau yang tidak pantas.
Kami berhak menghentikan akses anda ke salah satu atau seluruh Layanan kapan saja, tanpa pemberitahuan, karena alasan apa pun, termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada, pelanggaran terhadap TOU ini. Kami juga dapat kapan saja, atas kebijakan kami sendiri, menghentikan Situs Web/Layanan atau bagian mana pun darinya tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya dan anda setuju bahwa kami tidak bertanggung jawab kepada anda atau pihak ketiga mana pun atas penghentian akses anda ke Situs Web/Layanan .
Situs Web/Layanan dapat menyertakan tautan ke situs web pihak ketiga yang dikontrol dan dikelola oleh pihak lain. Tautan apa pun ke situs web lain bukan merupakan dukungan terhadap situs web tersebut dan anda mengakui dan menyetujui bahwa Situs Web tidak bertanggung jawab atas konten atau ketersediaan situs tersebut. Jika anda tidak puas dengan konten situs web yang ditautkan oleh Situs Web tersebut, silakan hubungi situs web tersebut secara langsung.
Pelanggan bertanggung jawab untuk menyimpan salinan lengkap dan terkini dari file situs web mereka sebagai cadangan pada sistem jarak jauh (tidak hanya pada server ABYTECH). ABYTECH TIDAK BERTANGGUNG JAWAB atas file, informasi atau data yang hilang. Meskipun cadangan ABYTECH mungkin
mencakup situs pelanggan dan informasi untuk tujuan pemulihan bencana, cadangan ini tidak dapat diandalkan oleh pelanggan. ABYTECH tidak menjamin memiliki salinan terbaru dari situs web pelanggan dalam cadangannya sendiri. Jika data terhapus secara tidak sengaja, ABYTECH mungkin akan memberi anda file dari cadangan dengan biaya tambahan.
Anda setuju untuk mematuhi semua undang-undang yang berlaku mengenai transmisi data teknis yang diekspor dari negara tempat Anda berada
tinggal dan mematuhi semua undang-undang dan peraturan setempat mengenai penggunaan dan perilaku yang dapat diterima di Internet.
- Situs Web dan kontennya (termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada desain Situs Web, teks, grafik, dan semua perangkat lunak serta kode sumber yang terkait dengan Situs Web dan Layanan) dilindungi oleh hak cipta, mereka dagang, paten, serta hak kekayaan intelektual dan undang-undang lainnya. Dalam mengakses Situs Web, anda setuju bahwa anda akan mengakses konten semata-mata untuk penggunaan pribadi dan non-komersial. Tidak ada konten yang boleh diunduh, disalin, direproduksi, ditransmisikan, disimpan, dijual atau didistribusikan tanpa izin tertulis sebelumnya dari pemegang hak cipta. Hal ini tidak termasuk pengunduhan, penyalinan dan/atau pencetakan halaman Situs Web untuk penggunaan pribadi dan non-komersial di rumah saja.
- Situs Web tidak mengklaim kepemilikan atas materi apa pun yang anda posting, unggah, atau kirimkan ke area Layanan yang dapat diakses publik. Namun, dengan melakukan hal tersebut, Anda memberi kami lisensi non-eksklusif yang berlaku di seluruh dunia, bebas royalti, untuk menyalin, mendistribusikan, mengirimkan, mereproduksi, menampilkan secara publik, mengedit, menerjemahkan, atau menerbitkan Konten tersebut selama anda memilih untuk menampilkan Konten tersebut. melalui Layanan.
The licence shall be terminated when such Content is deleted from the Services.
Anda setuju untuk mengganti kerugian dan membebaskan Situs Web dari dan terhadap pelanggaran apa pun yang anda lakukan terhadap TOU ini dan setiap klaim atau tuntutan yang diajukan terhadap Situs Web oleh pihak ketiga mana pun yang timbul dari penggunaan anda atas Layanan dan/atau Konten apa pun yang dikirimkan, diposting atau
ditransmisikan melalui Layanan, termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada, semua klaim, tindakan, proses hukum, kerugian, kewajiban, kerusakan, biaya, pengeluaran (termasuk biaya dan pengeluaran hukum yang wajar) apa pun yang dialami atau dikeluarkan oleh Situs Web sebagai akibat dari pelanggaran Anda terhadap TOU ini.
ABYTECH berhak untuk menangguhkan/mengakhiri akun klien jika klien terlibat dalam perilaku kasar apa pun yang mencakup membuat ancaman, menggunakan bahasa yang menghina atau kasar atau mengajukan keluhan terhadap penagihan ABYTECH atau stafnya atau membuat pernyataan yang memfitnah publik di forum/blog/situs web.
- Penggunaan Situs Web/Layanan adalah risiko Anda sendiri. Situs Web/Layanan disediakan atas dasar “SEBAGAIMANA ADANYA” dan “SEBAGAIMANA TERSEDIA” tanpa pernyataan atau dukungan apa pun dan tanpa jaminan apa pun baik tersurat maupun tersirat, termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada jaminan tersirat atas kualitas yang memuaskan, kesesuaian untuk suatu tujuan tertentu, non-pelanggaran, kompatibilitas, keamanan dan akurasi.
- Sejauh diizinkan oleh hukum, Situs Web tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas kerugian atau kerusakan apa pun yang tidak langsung atau konsekuensial (termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada hilangnya bisnis, peluang, data, keuntungan) yang timbul dari atau sehubungan dengan penggunaan Situs Web/Layanan. .
- Situs Web tidak memberikan jaminan bahwa Situs Web/Layanan akan memenuhi kebutuhan Anda, bahwa Konten akan akurat atau dapat diandalkan, bahwa fungsi Situs Web/Layanan tidak akan terganggu atau bebas dari kesalahan, bahwa cacat akan diperbaiki atau bahwa Situs Web/Layanan atau server yang menyediakannya bebas dari virus atau apa pun yang mungkin berbahaya atau merusak.
- Tidak ada satu pun hal dalam ANDA yang dapat ditafsirkan untuk mengecualikan atau membatasi tanggung jawab Situs Web atas kematian atau cedera pribadi akibat kelalaian Situs Web.
- Tidak ada satu hal pun dalam hal ini yang ANDA akan memengaruhi hak hukum Anda sebagai konsumen.
ABYTECH menyediakan data tidak terukur pada paket Cloud Server yang menawarkan transfer data penggunaan wajar yang berlimpah. Transfer data mencakup penggunaan bandwidth per server dengan penggunaan transfer data hingga 1000GB (1TB) per bulan tanpa biaya tambahan.
Pelanggan dapat menggunakan data ini untuk tujuan apa pun selain tujuan yang tidak dapat diterima sebagaimana tercantum dalam Ketentuan Penggunaan kami. Pelanggan akan menerima pemberitahuan peringatan setelah mencapai 75% dari tunjangan mereka. Penggunaan melebihi batas ini akan dikenakan biaya yang disebutkan pada belanjaan kami
keranjang. Silakan hubungi Meja Dukungan kami jika Anda ingin membeli bandwidth tambahan.
Jika ABYTECH menganggap akun pelanggan melebihi konsumsi bandwidth penggunaan wajar yang menyebabkan gangguan pada pengguna lain, ABYTECH akan memberi tahu pelanggan dan mengizinkan pelanggan untuk memperbaiki masalahnya. Namun, jika penggunaan bandwidth pelanggan jauh lebih besar daripada penggunaan wajar, ABYTECH berhak untuk menangguhkan akun pelanggan jika diperlukan.
Jika salah satu dari TOU ini dinyatakan tidak sah, ilegal, atau tidak dapat dilaksanakan karena alasan apa pun oleh pengadilan dengan bidang kuasa yang kompeten, maka Syarat atau Ketentuan tersebut akan dipisahkan dan TOU lainnya akan tetap berlaku dan tetap memiliki kekuatan dan efek penuh serta tetap mengikat. dan dapat dilaksanakan.
This represents an addendum to the Customer Master Agreement between yourself and us for Domain Registration
ABYTECH SDN BHD (hereinafter referred to as “Parent”) AND you (hereinafter referred to as “Customer”) HAVE entered into a Customer Master Agreement (“Agreement”) effective from December 1, 2013 of which this “Domain Registration Product Agreement Extension” is a part.
WHEREAS, Parent is authorized to provide Internet registration and management services for domain names, for the list of TLDs mentioned within APPENDIX ‘B’;
WHEREAS, the Customer wishes to purchase Registration and/or Management and/or Renewal and/or Transfer for the list of TLDs mentioned within APPENDIX ‘B’ through Parent;
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises, benefits and covenants contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Parent and the Customer, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows:
(1) “TLD” refers to .COM, .NET, .ORG, .BIZ, .INFO, .NAME, .US, .IN, .EU, .UK, .TRAVEL, .WS, .COOP, CentralNIC, .MOBI, .ASIA, .ME, .TEL, .MN, .BZ, .CC, .TV, .CN, .NZ, .CO, .CA, .DE, .ES, .AU, .XXX , .RU, .PRO, .SX, .PW, .IN.NET and .CO.DE
(2) “gTLD” refers to .COM, .NET, .ORG, .BIZ, .INFO, .NAME, .TRAVEL, .COOP, .MOBI, .ASIA, .TEL, .XXX AND .PRO
(3) “Domain Order” refers to an Order fulfilled by the Customer through the Parent under this Domain Registration Product Agreement Extension.
(4) “Registrant” refers to the registrant/owner of a Domain Order as in the OrderBox Database.
(5) “Registrar” refers to the Registrar of a Domain Order as in the OrderBox Database and/or shown in the Whois Record.
(6) Registry Operator refers to the Organisation/Entity that maintains the registry of a TLD of a Domain Order.
(7) “Whois Record” refers to the collection of all data elements of the Domain Order, specifically its Registrant Contact Information, Administrative Contact Information, Technical Contact Information, Billing Contact Information, Nameservers if any, its Creation and Expiry dates, its Registrar and its current Status in the Registry.
(1) The Customer must ensure that the Registrant of each Domain Order must agree to be bound by the terms and conditions laid out by the Registrar of the Domain Name during the term of the Domain Order. The Customer must familiarize himself with such
terms. The Customer acknowledges that the Registrar has various rights and powers as mentioned in the Registrar’s terms and conditions. Parent is not liable for any action taken by Registrar pursuant to the Registrar’s terms and conditions. The Customer
acknowledges and agrees that the Customer shall indemnify Parent of, and shall be responsible for any liability resulting from Registrants’ noncompliance with such terms and conditions.(2) The Customer will not make any changes to any information associated with the Domain Order without explicit authorization from the Registrant of that Domain Order.
(3) The Customer must comply with all applicable terms and conditions, standards, policies, procedures, and practices laid down by ICANN, the Registrar and the Registry Operator.
Parent and Service Providers, in their sole discretion, expressly reserve the right to freeze, delete, suspend, deny, cancel, modify, take ownership of or transfer any Domain Order, in order to comply with any applicable Dispute policies, requests of law
enforcement, or in compliance with any Court Orders, or if Parent or Service Providers in their sole discretion determine that the information associated with the Domain Order is inaccurate, or has been tampered with, or has been modified without authorization, or if Parent or Service Providers in their sole discretion determine that the Domain Order ownership should belong to another entity, or if Customer/Customer/Registrant does not comply with any applicable terms and conditions, standards, policies, procedures, and practices laid down by Parent, Service Providers, ICANN, the Registrar and the Registry Operator. The Customer agrees that Parent and Service Providers, and the contractors, employees, directors, officers, representatives, agents and affiliates,
of Parent and Service Providers, are not liable for loss or damages that may result from any of the above.- SURVIVAL
In the event of termination of this Product Agreement Extension for any reason, Sections 2 and 3 shall survive.
The Privacy Protection Service hides the contact details of the actual owner from appearing in the Whois Lookup Result of his domain name.
(1) Customer acknowledges and agrees that the contact information being displayed in the Whois of a privacy protected Domain Order will be those designated by the Parent, and
(1) any mail received via post at this Address would be rejected;
(2) any telephone call received at this Telephone Number, would be greeted with an electronic answering machine requesting the caller to email the email address listed in the Whois of this privacy protected domain name;
(3) the sender of any email to an email address listed in the Whois of this privacy protected domain name, will get an automated response email asking them to visit the URL to contact the Registrant, Administrative, Billing or
Technical Contact of a privacy protected domain name through an online form. This message would be relayed as an email message via to the actual Registrant, Administrative, Billing or Technical Contact email address in
the OrderBox Database.
(2) Customer agrees that we can not guarantee delivery of messages to either the Registrant, Administrative, Billing, Technical Contact, of a privacy protected Domain Order, and that such message may not be delivered in time or at all, for any reason whatsoever. Parent and Service Providers disclaim any and all liability associated with non-delivery of any messages relating to the Domain Order and this service.
(3) Customer understands that the Privacy Protection Service is only available for certain TLDs.
(4) Irrespective of whether Privacy Protection is enabled or not, Customers and Registrants are required to fulfill their obligations of providing true and accurate contact information as detailed in the Agreement.
(5) Customer understands and acknowledges that Parent in its sole, unfettered discretion, can discontinue providing Privacy Protection Services on the Order for any purpose, including but not limited to:
(1) if Parent receives any abuse complaint for the privacy protected domain name, or
(2) pursuant to any applicable laws, government rules or requirements, requests of law enforcement agency, or
(3) for the resolution of disputes concerning the domain name, or
(4) any other reason that Parent in its sole discretion deems appropriate to switch off the Privacy Protection Services.
Customer must ensure that the Registrant of each Domain Order must also acknowledge and agree to be bound by the following
terms and conditions. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Customer shall indemnify Parent of, and shall be responsible
for any liability resulting from Customer’s nondisclosure of these terms to Registrant of Domain Order.
Customer and Registrant agree to release, defend, indemnify and hold harmless Parent, Service Providers,, and
their parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, shareholders, agents, directors, officers and employees, from and against any and all
claims, demands, liabilities, losses, damages or costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees, arising out of or related in any way to
the Privacy Protection services provided hereunder.
.COM, .NET (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.ORG (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.BIZ (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.INFO (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.NAME and .NAME Defensive Registrations and .NAME Mail Forwards (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.US (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.IN (through Registrar Webiq Domains Solutions Pvt Ltd)
.EU (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.UK (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.TRAVEL (through Registrar Directi Internet Solutions Pvt. Ltd. D/B/A
.WS (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.COOP (through Registrar Ltd.)
CentralNIC (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.MOBI (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.ASIA (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.ME (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.TEL (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.MN, .BZ (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.CC, .TV (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.CN (through Registrar PDR Ltd.)
.NZ (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.CO (through Registrar <#=dotco_serviceprovidername#>)
.CA (through Registrar Inc)
.DE (through Registrar Directi Internet Solutions Pvt. Ltd. d/b/a
.ES (through Registrar Directi Internet Solutions Pvt. Ltd. d/b/a
.AU (through Registrar Public Domain Registry Pty Ltd.)
.RU (through Registrar RU-Center)
.XXX (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.PRO (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.SX (through Registrar PDR Ltd.)
.PW (through Registrar <#=dotpw_serviceprovidername#>)
.IN.NET (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.CO.DE (through Registrar PDR Ltd.)
The Verisign MobileView Service creates a mobile-friendly version for your .COM and .NET website.
Registrant agrees that Verisign may store the following data elements about any MobileView-enabled domain name:
(1) General Details (Company Name, Description and Company Logo);
(2) Contacts (Phone, Email and Address);
(3) Social (Facebook and Twitter URL);
(4) Products (Product Name, Description, Price and Image);
(5) Business Hours (Title and Hours of Operation);
(6) Coupons (Name, Description, Disclaimer, Image, Start and End Date).
(7) Usage information:
(1) Number of hits for any given domain name;
(2) User agent (where the request is coming from);
(3) Crawling website to collect website information.
Registrant agrees and acknowledges the following terms of data usage by Verisign:
(1) The data will be used to display to the end users and not used for any other internal purposes. This data is all publicly available on the internet and/or customer website.
(2) Customer information is used to create and maintain accounts as well as contacting Customers in case of any problems with accounts, provide technical support, conduct surveys and other similar activities.
(3) Verisign may use data for statistical analysis purpose to understand the Verisign MovileView adoption rate, trend by TLD’s etc. in order to make improvements to our services.
(4) Verisign may also use data collected under the IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS, in accordance with the terms of their privacy policy as set forth at
Registrant acknowledges that Verisign may retain some data that has been anonymized under the IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS, as well as retain statistical information derived from aggregated data, even after the MobileView Service has been cancelled.
Registrant acknowledges that Verisign may transfer data collected under the IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS across International boundaries.
Terms for Web Hosting
ABYTECH SDN BHD (hereinafter referred to as “Parent”) AND you (hereinafter referred to as “Customer”)
Entered into a Customer Master Agreement effective from December 2, 2013 of which this “Customer Hosting Product Agreement
Extension” is a part.
WHEREAS Parent provides Web, Virtual Private Server (VPS) and Email Hosting Services;
WHEREAS the Customer wishes to place an Order for Web, VPS and/or Email Hosting Services (“Hosting Order”) through the
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises, benefits and covenants contained herein and for other good
and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Parent and the Customer,
intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows:
- Rights of Parent
While certain attributes of the Hosting Order may consist of unlimited resources, Customer recognises that the Hosting Order is a
shared hosting service, and that the Parent has the right in its sole discretion to apply any hard limits on any specific attribute or
resource on the Hosting Order at any given time without notice in order to prevent degradation of its services, or incase of any
breach or violation or threatened breach or violation of this Agreement, or incase Parent learns of a possibility of breach or violation
of this Agreement which Parent in its sole discretion determines to be appropriate, or to protect the integrity and stability of the
Parent Products and the OrderBox, or to avoid any liability, civil or criminal, on the part of Parent and/or Service Providers, or for
any other appropriate reason. The Customer agrees that Parent and Service Providers, and the contractors, employees, directors,
officers, representatives, agents and affiliates, of Parent and Service Providers, are not liable for loss or damages that may result
from any of the above. - Terms of Usage
Customer, or its contractors, employees, directors, officers, representatives, agents and affiliates and OrderBox Users, either directly
or indirectly, shall not use or permit use of the Hosting Order, in violation of this Agreement, and for any of the activities described
below –
A. General Terms
(1) For any unacceptable or inappropriate material as determined by Parent in its sole discretion, including but not limited to Topsites, IRC Scripts/Bots, Proxy Scripts/Anonymizers, Pirated Software/Warez, Image Hosting Scripts (similar to Photobucket or Tinypic), AutoSurf/PTC/PTS/PPC sites, IP Scanners, Bruteforce Programs/Scripts/Applications, Mail Bombers/Spam Scripts, BannerAd services (commercial banner ad rotation), File Dump/Mirror Scripts (similar to rapidshare), Commercial Audio Streaming (more than one or two streams), Escrow/Bank Debentures, High-Yield Interest Programs (HYIP) or Related Sites, Investment Sites
(FOREX, E-Gold Exchange, Second Life/Linden Exchange, Ponzi, MLM/Pyramid Scheme), Sale of any controlled substance without prior proof of appropriate permit(s), Prime Banks Programs, Lottery Sites, MUDs/RPGs/PPBGs, Hateful/Racist/Harassment oriented
sites, Hacker focused sites/archives/programs, Sites promoting illegal activities, Forums and/or websites that distribute or link to warez/pirated/illegal content, Bank Debentures/Bank Debenture Trading Programs, Fraudulent Sites (Including, but not limited to sites listed at &, Mailer Pro.
(2) Use over 25% of system resources, including but not limited to Memory, CPU, Disk, Network, and Bandwidth capacity, for
longer than 90 seconds in any consecutive 6 hour period.
(3) Execute long-running, stand-alone, unattended server-side processes, bots or daemons.
(4) Run any type of web spiders or indexers.
(5) Run any software that interfaces with an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) network.
(6) Run, host, or store any P2P client, tracker, software, server, files, content or application, including bittorrent.
(7) Participate in any P2P or file-sharing networks.
(8) Use excessive resources which in the Parent’s sole discretion result in damage or degradation to the performance, usage, or experience of OrderBox, other users, other orders, and any of Parent’s services.
(9) Use the email service for sending or receiving unsolicited emails.
(10) Use the email service for sending or receiving emails through automated scripts hosted on your website. For sending out promotional emails, email campaigns, etc., we recommend using the Mailing Lists feature rather than using your email account. Upon detection of such mails going through the regular mailing system, such mails will get classified as spam even though the recipient might have opted in for receiving such mails. This would lead to immediate cessation of mail sending capabilities for the user or the domain name. Frequent violation would lead to permanent suspension of the domain name.
(11) Sending mails to invalid recipient email addresses. On receipt of too many bounce back messages due to invalid recipient email addresses, the user sending such mails would get blocked. Frequent violation would lead to permanent suspension of the domain name.
(12) Sending mails from an email address that is not valid and which results in triple bounces would result in suspension of the user sending such mails. Frequent violation would lead to permanent suspension of the domain name.
(13) Send emails with malicious content. Such emails could be emanating from user(s) whose machine(s) are infected with a virus or malware and such activity could be happening without the user(s) knowledge or user(s) could be unknowingly sending out emails whose receivers may deem them as unsolicited.
(14) Run cron entries with intervals of less than 15 minutes.
B. Web, Email Hosting Specific terms
(1) As a backup/storage device.
(2) Run any gaming servers.
(3) Store over 100,000 files.
(4) Constantly create and delete large numbers of files on a regular basis, or cause file system damage.
(5) Run any MySQL queries longer than 15 seconds.
(6) Divide Multi-Domain Hosting Orders into smaller packages to resell. Multi-Domain Hosting Orders may be used by only one company/Customer to host multiple domain names/websites. Certain relevant Documents, other than domain name whois details,
with respect to company and domain names/website ownership will need to be presented when requested. Having the same whois details for all domain names in your Multi-Domain Hosting Order will not be enough to substantiate ownership by one company/customer.
(7) Store a large number of media files (audio, video, etc.), wherein the limit is at Parent’s sole discretion.
(8) Send over 100 messages per hour per user and/or 300 messages per hour for a domain name. Receive a high volume of emails, by a user or domain name, in any given period of time.
(9) Purchase/use a Dedicated IP Address without installing an SSL Certificate.
(10) Violate the above Terms of Usage for a Hosting Order which comprises of the Do-It-Yourself website builder powered by
(11) Occupy more than 50% of the total disk space used for storing emails on the server.
Web Services
ABYTECH SDN BHD (hereinafter referred to as “Parent”) AND you (hereinafter referred to as “Customer”)
entered into a Customer Master Agreement (“Agreement”) effective from December 2, 2013 of which this “Web Services Product Agreement Extension” is a part.
WHEREAS, Parent provides Domain Forwarding, Mail Forwarding, Managed DNS;
WHEREAS, the Customer wishes to activate through Parent, Domain Forwarding or Mail Forwarding or Managed DNS Services;
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises, benefits and covenants contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Parent and the Customer,
intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows:
- Customer Election. Customer hereby elects to activate Domain Forwarding or Mail Forwarding or Managed DNS through Parent.
- Parent’s Acceptance. Parent hereby accepts Customer’s election to activate Domain Forwarding or Mail Forwarding or Managed
DNS through Parent.
ABYTECH SDN BHD (hereinafter referred to as “Parent”) AND you (hereinafter referred to as “Customer”)
entered into a Customer Master Agreement (“Agreement”) effective from December 2, 2013 of which this “Digital Certificate Product Agreement Extension” is a part.
WHEREAS, Parent sells digital certificates of Thawte;
NOW, THEREFORE, Parent and the Customer, hereby agree as follows:
- Customer Election. Customer hereby elects to purchase Thawte digital certificates through Parent
- Parent’s Acceptance. Parent hereby accepts Customer’s election to purchase Thawte digital certificates through Parent.
Every onsite visit will be charged separately for any support or training for Sri Lankan clients.
Terms for 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
30 days money back guarantee is provided only for web hosting and not for the domain registration, if you registered a domain with amazing web hosting.
If you cancel your Amazing Web Hosting during 30 day money back period, we will refund back your amount deducting the domain registration fee and your domain will remain in your control panel.
At ABYTECH SDN BHD. (ABYTECH), we pride ourselves on our commitment to protecting your privacy. We want you to know how we will collect, use and disclose the personal data you provide to us. If at any time you wish for us to delete your personal data from our files, please contact us in writing at e-mail address below and we will respond promptly.
By E-Mail
‘Personal data’ is any data that can be used to identify you as an individual. ABYTECH collects ‘personal data’ about you only with
your full knowledge in conjunction with:
- A product purchase.
- Registration of a purchased product.
- A request for information and trial products.
ABYTECH will only process personal data in accordance with the applicable rules and this privacy policy. All personal data you submit will be controlled by ABYTECH. Using Your Data It is ABYTECH’s policy that you should know exactly what personal data we collect from you and how we will use it. We collect
personal data from you for the purpose of processing your order or enquiry. We may use your personal data to supply products and services to you that you have requested, carry out any agreement with you or take any steps that you have requested. In particular, we may: - Update you as to the status of your order.
- Alert you to important product revisions or updates.
- Inform you about registration and upgrades to your purchased products.
In addition to the above uses, where you have given us appropriate permission, we may also use your personal data for the
following purposes and direct marketing (‘Additional Purposes’): - To tell you about special discounts on additional products and services.
- To advise you about new products and services.
- To advise you about new products from other companies that ABYTECH feels may be of interest to you.
Aggregate data is general data about groups of customers and does not identify individual customers. ABYTECH may combine your data with that of other individuals to create aggregate data which we will use to improve our products & services and develop new ones. For example, we may tell a third party how many people purchased a certain product, but not that you personally purchased
a specific item. You should also be aware that we may occasionally provide links from our Web site to other sites that we think will interest you. If you click on a banner advertisement or any other link, the ‘click’ will take you off the ABYTECH site. Once you leave any ABYTECH Web site, any information that you may have provided remains with us and is not forwarded to the next site to which you have linked. Personal data that you may choose to provide to a third party Web site linked to an ABYTECH Web site will be subject to the
privacy policy of the operators of the third party Web site. ABYTECH is not responsible for the use or protection of personal data you disclose to a third party Web site operator, even if reached from an ABYTECH Web site. Enabling Cookies ABYTECH uses a variety of Web technologies on our Web sites. Among these are cookies, which are pieces of information that our
Web sites provide to your browser. Cookies allow us to track overall site usage and determine areas users prefer. Cookies also allow us to customise your visit to our Web sites by recognising you when you return. Cookies cannot be used to see any other data on your computer, nor can they determine your e-mail address or identity. Most browsers accept and maintain cookies by default. Check the Help menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preference. You can choose to decline cookies while at our Web site, but this may limit your ability to access certain areas of the Web site. To purchase and download products from you must ensure your browser is able to accept cookies. Cookies are
required for these services to authenticate registered users and to provide access to certain areas of our Web sites that are available to limited registered users only. Cookies are deleted when you close your browser, as well; this authentication becomes invalid after a certain period of time. With or without cookies, our Web sites track usage data, such as the source address that a page request is coming from, your IP
address or domain name, the date and time of the page request, the referring Web site (if any) and other parameters in the URL. We use this data to better understand Web site usage in the aggregate so that we know what areas of our Web site users prefer.This data is stored in log files and is used for aggregated and statistical reporting. This log data is not linked to personal data gathered elsewhere on the site.
Disclosing Your Data ABYTECH may also transfer personal data to ABYTECH partnered companies for software registration purposes. Where this is done, ABYTECH shall take necessary steps to adequately protect the information transferred. BY SUPPLYING PERSONAL DATA TO ABYTECH, YOU APPROVE TO ANY SUCH TRANSFER. It is ABYTECH’s policy that you are kept in control of the ways in which we use your personal data for the Additional Purposes. All ABYTECH communications, in whatever medium, that involve the recording of personal data for these Additional Purposes include a short section that allows you to indicate your preferences with respect to the use of that personal data. You can choose whether or
not you wish to receive additional information or promotional offers from ABYTECH.
Additional Information
Any information that you choose to provide us with will be used to personalize and improve our customer service operations. All information is collected and stored in a secure manner and is used strictly in relation to this policy and your stated preference. ABYTECH shall not be responsible or liable for loss of privacy, disclosure of information, harm, damage or loss that may result from your transmission of any information to us. In addition, under the law, we must cooperate fully with any law enforcement agency
should a situation arise where our information about customers could be of assistance. From time to time, ABYTECH may introduce new products and services to our customers that may require modifications to this
policy. We reserve the right to modify this policy at any time by notifying our customers, via the ABYTECH Web site, of a new or revised policy. These modifications will only apply to personal data that you then provide to us after the date of the modification. Contact Preferences
As an ABYTECH customer, we may also use your contact information to inform you of other products or services we think might interest you. However, if you do not wish to be contacted for promotional purposes, you can “opt out” when ABYTECH collects your information. Alternatively, you can update or correct your personal or business information relating to your ABYTECH account by
contacting us by e-mail.Please note that your contact preferences only apply to ABYTECH contacting you for marketing purposes. We may still need to communicate with you regarding the usability of your product or critical messages relating to your service or software. These communications may include service messages, subscription renewal notices, critical notices or legally mandated notices. Openness
In the future, we may make changes to our privacy policies or practices.
• All purchases made through ABYTECH SDN BHD – website ( are NON-REFUNDABLE.
• Once subscribed and paid, there are absolutely no refunds.
• We highly recommend you to try our products and services before you subscribe.