ABSS MYOB old version must download and install this license v2 file to enable the online confirmation.
Without this update, you will get an error when trying to do online confirmation.
With effect from 17 Aug 2020, ABSS IVR confirmation services will be discontinued by stages. Users who are due for the Activation & Confirmation can only perform it online via internet services instead. To facilitate this process, kindly follow the below instructions.
To facilitate this process, kindly follow the below instructions.
  1. Watch tutorial videos available in English, Bahasa Melayu & Chinese for detailed instructions.
  2. Read frequently asked questions (FAQ) for better understanding.
  3. Turn off the pop-up download blocker on your internet browser.
  1. Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10 users will need to complete the Microsoft operating system windows update before proceeding. Failing to do so may result in unsuccessful download & execution of the file.
  2. Windows users may require the “ZIP” tool to open the file content. Please visit www.7-zip.org if you need to install one on your computer.
Software versions that required this update:
  • Premier v18.2 & below
  • Accounting v23.2 (schema 18.2) & below
Click the button below to download LicenseV2 zip file: